We're a a non-profit musical performance organization that spreads a positive message through the medium of music and community service.

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The Board of Directors will be meeting in March to finalize details for Conference 2025! Click the link below to learn more about our upcoming show.

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Ranging from teens to seniors, we come from all over the world! We come together to celebrate the good things in life and to challenge what we can change in this world.

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The People International Mission

We are an organized non-profit with the purpose of presenting a lifestyle based upon our "Four Absolutes" - HONESTY, UNSELFISHNESS, CONCERNED LOVE, and SELF-DISCIPLINE. We communicate through the mediums of music & dance, personal growth workshops, and community projects. We strive to bring out the greatest potential in others by attempting to live our lives guided by these standards.

It is our belief that there is greatness in all and that we as individuals can make this world a better place.