While we can’t be together right now, PII members are working in their local communities, to help in numerous ways!
Ellen Hall: I’m working in my church’s Food Pantry, masked, and customers stay in the car- so safe. Also recording a fun service for little kids every week since we can’t go to church. Regular zoom chats with friends. Tried zoom singing but didn’t like it much, but did it a few times. Lots of texting. Oh and Corey and I are working out together 3 days a week!
Brian Vaughan: I’m helping older folks, in my role as a pharmacy tech in an independent and assisted senior living facility.
Randi Tuck: Kids and I wrote a hundred cards to senior citizens in nursing homes during the pandemic. We also have donated clothes and are using boxtops to help the school.
David Root: I have made some small financial donations, most recently to Austin Area Urban League. We have also sort of adopted an elderly upstairs neighbor: bringing her food, helping to get her mail, take out her garbage, etc. A group of us have an occasional virtual “game night” over zoom. Anyone is welcome to join!
Victoria Kibler: I belong to Life Enforcement in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. It is a pay it forward group. Many things happen here. I also donate to different causes in my area.
Michelle Amaranth: I’m about to spend the afternoon on Beto O’Rourke phone bank to make wellness checks helping frozen, hungry people stranded without water get connected with resources.
Mary Toppen: I’m supporting Hope Reins in Raleigh. I work with traumatized children using horses and my experiences working with children for the last 40 years.